Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler!  

Albert Einstein

Digital Interactions Vagaries!

UX Clash is a digital hall of shame. It collects some of the most frustrating, bewildering, failed interactions I have experienced first hand with various websites or software applications. By providing details on how these unfortunate digital encounters happened or their outcome, I hope they will be useful lessons for any developer, designer or content creator.
Thereby, UX Clash stands as a resource aimed at anyone - beginner or advanced - involved in designing an interactive system or process, providing guidelines for best practices.

The hidden cost of poor design, cryptic messages or lack of support translates into dissatisfied customers, disengaged users and low conversions. Even though some of the websites or applications tested here were originally designed in other language than English, the following failed interactions pinpoint poor implementation of widely used features and functionalities.

Each website clash concludes with an information card called "What to improve."
Despite some of the recommendations appearing to be common sense or rather basic, I often encounter websites or apps that ignore these fundamental design principles. Hopefully, their number will drop, and UX Clash will bring its contribution to this trend.

Ideally, a carefully designed website or application caters to its target audience with clear layouts, no errors, and functional features. It offers a better user experience, and a smooth user journey leading to conversions and possitive impressions.